Layer Stacking in PCB Design An Overview of Layer Stack Management in PCB Design

When it comes to designing complex high-density PCBs, layer planning is important for different types of applications. Poor PCB…

Arduino Portable Ultrasonic Digital Ruler using ATtiny85 How to Make a Portable Ultrasonic Digital Ruler using ATtiny85

Distance measurement of an object in the path of the person, equipment, or a vehicle or moving object is used in a large number…

ESP8266 based DIY Smart Plug using Captive Portal ESP8266 based Smart Plug to Make Your Home Appliances IoT Enabled

Ever since I started to work with the ESP Wi-Fi Modules, I always wanted to build a smart Wi-Fi socket that enables me to…

Differential Pair Routing Why do we need Differential Pair Routing and How can you use it for your next PCB Design?

When you think about a PCB (Printed Circuit Boards) in general you can say it’s a piece of a board made out of fiberglass in…

Impedance Matching in PCB Design Understanding Impedance Matching in PCB Design with Example and Calculation

It is fair to consider a PCB itself as a component in which multiple traces are connected. Each trace is different, some are…

PCB Manufacturing Cost Reduction Techniques Simple Design Techniques that could Reduce your PCB Manufacturing Cost

When you are designing and producing a product, a PCB can easily become one of the most costly components of the whole product…

DIY Handheld Game Console using Arduino Pro Micro and Arduboy DIY Handheld Game Console using Arduino Pro Micro and Arduboy

In this tutorial, we are going to build a handheld game console using Arduino Pro Micro, Arduboy package, and a handful of…

Placement of Thermal Vias for Efficient Heat Management in PCB Designs How can Efficient Placing of Thermal Vias Improve Heat Management in PCB Designs?

While designing a PCB, there are a lot of instances where we need to dissipate heat from certain components (Linear voltage…

IoT Based Smart Key Finder Never Loose your keys again with this IoT Based Smart Key Finder

Agree it!!! It has happened to all of us. Many times we misplace our keys and go searching for them everywhere in the house,…

Via Stitching for PCB Design Here is why you should use Via Stitching for your next PCB Design

There are multiple instances where a well-designed circuit has failed in the POC stage or in the Production Stage because of a…