POV Display using Arduino Building a High-Resolution POV Display using ESP32

Persistence of Vision is a fundamental principle that allows our eyes to perceive continuous motion from separate…

InnoMux-2 Integrated Circuit Single-Chip Multi-Output Power Supply ICs

Power Integrations recently introduced the InnoMux-2 family, which comprises single-stage, independently regulated…

DigiKey's New Suppliers DigiKey Adds Over 450 New Suppliers and 1.7 Million New Parts in 2023

THIEF RIVER FALLS, Minnesota, USA - DigiKey, a leading global commerce distributor offering the largest selection of…

DIY Thermal Camera using ESP32 and MLX90640 Sensor DIY Thermal Camera: Build your Own Infrared Imaging Device with ESP32 and MLX90640 Sensor


Ditch X-ray vision,…

Flexure-Based Actuator Innovative Flexure-Based Actuator Project Showcases Potential for Miniaturized Applications

In a groundbreaking project, a creator named Carl bugeja has ingeniously combined flexure…

Precision Drilling using Digital Periscope DIY Solution for Precision Drilling using Digital Periscope

Electrical engineer John McNelly has revolutionized the process of drilling precise holes in…

1200V CoolSiC Chip for improve Silicon Carbide Automotive Solutions Infineon and Schweiner join Forces to improve Silicon Carbide Automotive Solutions

Infineon Technologies and Schweizer Electronic are collaborating to develop a way to embed…

ESP32 Based Smart Watch DIY Smartwatch with multiple Watch Faces, Heart Rate Sensor, Compass and Games

In the previous parts(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) of this project, we investigated different…

Automatic Motorized Solder Paste Dispenser DIY Motorized Solder Paste Dispenser for Automatic Solder Paste Application

We at Circuitdigest have worked on a lot of PCB projects, but have consistently faced a…

PCB Manufacturing What is The Roadmap For a Flourishing PCB Ecosystem in India?

Earlier this year, India reached the fifth rank in electronics manufacturing. This is a remarkable achievement when…