How to use NEO6M GPS Module with Arduino How to Interface Arduino with NEO 6M GPS Module?

Welcome to our guide on interfacing the Arduino with the NEO-6M GPS module! In this blog, we'll delve into the step-by-…

DIY Robot Arm Project Crafting a Bluetooth-Controlled Excavator-Like Rover: DIY Robot Arm Project

A youtuber named Suresh recently unveiled an innovative project, a Bluetooth-controlled rover robot designed to mimic an excavator's…

4x4x4 LED Cube Build 4×4×4 Led Cube using Arduino Nano

In this project, we're making a cool 4×4×4 LED cube with Arduino Nano. LED cubes, also known as LED Matrix, can light up your room, study space,…

PIR Motion Sensor Light Build your own PIR Motion Sensor Light

In today's world of smart technology, creating simple yet effective DIY projects without the use of microcontrollers or…

A DIY Mobility Aid for the Visually Impaired Haptic Vision Assist: A DIY Mobility Aid for the Visually Impaired

The Haptic Vision Assist, by Colonel Panic, a DIY project designed to aid visually impaired individuals in navigating…

ESP32 Home Automation using Alexa and Google Assistant ESP32 Smart Home Automation using Alexa and Google Assistant

If you are new to smart home automation and are looking to build your first project to control your lights and fans…

A DIY solution for High-resolution Voltage-Current Digital Logging. A DIY solution for High-resolution Voltage-Current Digital Logging.

Hiroshi Nakajima has developed a versatile High-resolution Voltage-Current Digital Logger, designed to measure power,…

DIY Hoverboard Inspired by Back to the Future Takes Flight DIY Hoverboard Inspired by Back to the Future Takes Flight

In an impressive display of engineering and creativity, the famous DIY youtuber JLaser has…

Triaxial Numechron Clock: a unique mechanical clock design Triaxial Numechron Clock: a unique mechanical clock design

In the past years we have seen many types of DIY clock designs. Some of…

Smart Dustbin using Arduino Smart Dustbin using Arduino

Waste management has become a pressing global issue as urbanization continues to grow. One…