servo motor

Programming ATtiny13 with Arduino Uno to control a Servo Motor Programming ATtiny13 with Arduino Uno to control a Servo Motor

Servo motor works on the principal of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and its angle of rotation is controlled by the duration of…

IoT based Smart Parking System using ESP8266 NodeMCU IoT based Smart Parking System using ESP8266 NodeMCU

With growing popularity of Smart Cities, there is always a demand for smart solutions for every domain. The IoT has enabled the…

DIY Arduino Digital Protractor using MPU6050 Gyroscope DIY Arduino Digital Protractor using MPU6050 Gyroscope

The MPU6050 is an IC 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope combined into one unit. It also houses a…

DIY Arduino based Color Sorter Machine using TCS3200 Color Sensor DIY Arduino Based Color Sorter Machine using TCS3200 Color Sensor

As the name suggests, color sorting is simply to sort the things according to their color. It can be easily done by seeing it…

32-bit MCUs with dedicated hardware accelerator for Servo Control in Industrial Robots 32-bit MCUs with dedicated hardware accelerator for Servo Control in Industrial Robots

Renesas Electronics Corporation released the RX72T Group of 32-bit Motor Control MCUs (Microcontrollers) with dedicated…

RS-485 MODBUS Serial Communication using Arduino UNO as Slave RS-485 MODBUS Serial Communication using Arduino UNO as Slave

Modbus is a Serial Communication protocol which was discovered by Modicon in 1979 and it is used for transmitting data over…

RS-485 Serial Communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno RS-485 Serial Communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno

Choosing a communication protocol for communication between microcontrollers and peripheral devices is an important part of…

Interfacing Servo Motor with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16 Interfacing Servo Motor with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16

Servo Motors are widely used where precise control is required such as robots, Automated Machineries, robotic arm etc. However…

Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller

From the assembly line of automobile manufacturing industries to the telesurgery robots in space, Robotic Arms are to be found…

Interfacing Servo Motor with ARM7-LPC2148 Interfacing Servo Motor with ARM7-LPC2148

In our previous tutorial, we have interfaced stepper motor with ARM7-LPC2148. In this tutorial, we will control Servo Motor…