Raspberry Pi

DIY Raspberry Pi POE HAT A Poor Man’s Raspberry Pi PoE HAT that You can Build on Your Own

Raspberry Pi-based systems require internet connectivity to work at full potential, this is especially true for applications…

Ultrasonic Sensor based Distance Meter Build Raspberry Pi Pico based Ultrasonic Distance Meter

The distance meter is used for accurately determining the distance of an object without contact by the…

Temperature Monitoring using Raspberry Pi Pico and DHT22 Temperature Data Logger using Raspberry Pi Pico and DHT22 Temperature Sensor

With temperature monitoring, you can easily monitor, track and generate graphs to understand the daily…

Autonomous UV Robot Raspberry Pi based Autonomous UV Robot with SLAM

The affordable autonomous and open-source robot provides localization and mapping facilities and safely…

DIY Raspberry Pi Zero Power Supply HAT Design and build a Raspberry Pi 18650 Li-ion Battery HAT to make your projects portable

We have been using Raspberry Pi for a long time to create many exciting projects. But, oftentimes we face an issue in selecting…

Raspberry Pi based Automatic Library Book Management System Raspberry Pi based Automatic Library Book Management System using Python Flask

I have created a Raspberry Pi based Project, an Automatic Library Book Management System Project. Let me…

Raspberry Pi based Biometric Attendance and Temperature Recorder System Raspberry Pi based Biometric Attendance System with Temperature Recorder and Sanitizer Dispenser

What I have made here is an attendance register that records the temperature of a registered user and…

Line Following Robot using Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Pico based Line Follower Robot

This Robot can follow any line and can reach its destination automatically, by…

RFID Based Door Lock using Raspberry Pi RFID Based Door Lock System using Raspberry Pi

Every time I go out and lock my door using the traditional lock, I feel so outdated. I wanted to replace it…

Sony Spresense Devkit Getting Started with Sony Spresense Devkit

Ever wondered if your everyday Arduino boards were just not enough for your tasks, and a Raspberry Pi (RPi) seemed to be…