Digital Thermometer using a PIC Microcontroller and DS18B20
Generally, the LM35 temperature sensor is used with microcontrollers to measure the temperature because it is cheap and easily… |
Interfacing PIR Sensor with PIC Microcontroller
PIR (Passive Infrared) or Motion Sensor is used to detect the motion of moving human body or objects. Whenever someone comes in… |
Interfacing GPS Module with PIC Microcontroller
GPS is the short-form of Global Positioning System. It is a system which provide accurate Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, UTC… |
Line Follower Robot using PIC Microcontroller
A Line Follower Robot is a simple yet fascinating robot for most students/hobbyists to build. In this tutorial we will learn… |
Obstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC Microcontroller
Obstacle Avoider Robot is another famous robot which spices up embedded projects. For those who are new Obstacle avoider robot… |
Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with PIC Microcontroller
For any project to come alive, we need to use sensors. Sensors acts as the eyes and ears for all embedded application, it helps… |
GSM module Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller - Make and Receive Calls
GSM modules are fascinating to use especially when our project requires remote access. These modules could make all actions… |
Digital Ammeter Circuit using PIC Microcontroller and ACS712
Measuring the voltage and current will always be helpful while making or debugging any electrical system. In this project we… |
Digital Speedometer and Odometer Circuit using PIC Microcontroller
Measuring the speed/rpm of a Vehicle or a motor has always been a fascinating project for us to try. So, in this project we are… |
High/Low Voltage Detection and Protection Circuit using PIC Microcontroller
We often see voltage fluctuations in electricity supply at our home, which may cause malfunction in our home AC appliances.… |