home automation
Install Google Assistant on Raspberry Pi and Turn into Google Home Speaker
Have you ever thought about a speaker which can be controlled by your voice!!! Yes, Amazon Echo is the one of the most popular… |
Voice controlled Home automation using Amazon Alexa on Raspberry Pi
Have you ever thought about a speaker which can be controlled by your voice!!! What if we can control our home appliances this… |
DIY Arduino Relay Driver Shield
In this DIY project we make a 3-Channel Arduino Relay Shield Circuit for relay based applications. We designed… |
Temperature Controlled AC Home Appliances using Arduino and Thermistor
Suppose you are sitting in a room and feeling cold and you want your heater to be automatically turned on, and then off after… |
IoT based Web Controlled Home Automation using Raspberry Pi
Hi guys, welcome to today's tutorial, one of the good things about the Raspberry Pi is the great ability and ease with which it… |
Raspberry Pi based Smart Phone Controlled Home Automation
Raspberry Pi is very popular for IoT projects because of its seamless ability of wireless communication over internet.… |
RF Controlled Home Appliances
Home Automation has always been a hot buzzing topic to learn or to work on. It is really cool to control AC appliances… |
IOT based Voice Controlled Home Automation using ESP8266 and Android App
Welcome to another exciting Project in which we will build a Voice Controlled Home Automation System using ESP8266 Wi-Fi module… |
Smart Junction Box for Home Automation using ESP8266
Home Automation has always been inspiring projects for most of us. Toggling an AC load from the comfort of our chairs or… |
IR Remote Controlled Home Automation using PIC Microcontroller
In this project, we are going to use a PIC microcontroller to remotely control few AC loads by just using an IR remote. A… |