OpenSource UI for SmartWatch OpenSource UI for SmartWatch - Built with LVGL on the Arduino framework

Felix Biego, an embedded software engineer from Kenya, has recently developed an open-source user interface for a…

UGV Rover UGV Rover - Opensource AI Robot powered by Raspberry Pi and ESP32

The UGV Rover, a sophisticated AI robot from Waveshare, is designed for versatile exploration and interaction. This 6-…

Singleboard Alpha Meet Singleboard Alpha! - An ESP32 Based Single-Board Computer


Kevin Bates, the creator of AUDUBOY—a full-fledged miniature gaming system in…

Pescado Engine Pescado Engine: A Custom 3D Graphics Solution for ESP32-S3

Game developer Alex Fish has unveiled a new 3D graphics engine called Pescado, specifically tailored for the Espressif…

DIY WiFi Controlled Drone Let's Build a Low Cost Drone using ESP32

Drones have rapidly evolved from niche hobbies to versatile tools with a wide range of applications, from photography…

POV Display using Arduino Building a High-Resolution POV Display using ESP32

Persistence of Vision is a fundamental principle that allows our eyes to perceive continuous motion from separate…

Web-Based Oscilloscope Arduino Sketch Transforms ESP32 Board into Web-Based Oscilloscope

Bojan Jurca’s open-source Arduino sketch "Esp32_oscilloscope," transforms any ESP32 board to function as a web-based…

DIY CCTV Camera using ESP32 Build your own Security Camera using ESP32

Welcome to the DIY world of Circuit Digest! In this blog, we're going to show you How to build your own Simple CCTV…

Smart Irrigation System using ESP32 and Blynk Arduino Smart Irrigation System Using ESP32 and Blynk App

In this project, we'll explore an IoT-based irrigation system using the ESP32 board and Blynk app. It's a project based…

ESP32 - GPIO Viwer ESP32 Debugging made Easier with GPIOViewer

Debugging a circuit on a hardware level is always challenging, especially when coding is involved. It would always make…