
Interfacing Arduino with ESP8266 Arduino with ESP8266 - Reading Data from Internet

The ESP8266-01 has been a great module to quench all our thirsts for IOT projects. Since its release, it has developed a strong…

Controlling Multiple Servo Motors with Arduino Controlling Multiple Servo Motors with Arduino

Using one or two Servo with Arduino is Easy but what if we want to use more than one Servo Motors?

Here, we are going to…

Arduino MATLAB Tutorial - Interfacing MATLAB with Arduino Interfacing Arduino with MATLAB - Blinking LED

In this project, we are going to learn,

How to set up hardware support for Arduino in MATLAB software. How to control an…
TVOC and CO2 Measurement using Arduino and CCS811 Air Quality Sensor TVOC and CO2 Measurement using Arduino and CCS811 Air Quality Sensor

“Sadly, in the name of progress, we have polluted the air, water, soil and the food we eat”. So monitoring the air quality is…

Arduino based Countdown Timer Arduino Countdown Timer

A timer is a type of clock used for the measurement of time intervals. There are two types of timer, one which counts upwards…

Interfacing Graphical LCD with Arduino Interfacing Graphical LCD (ST7920) with Arduino

There are many types of LCDs used in Electronic Projects. We have already used 16X2 LCD in many of our projects and also used…

Automatic Pet Feeder using Arduino Automatic Pet Feeder using Arduino

Today we are building an Arduino based Automatic Pet Feeder which can automatically serve food to your pet timely. It has a…

DIY Arduino Inclinometer using MPU6050 DIY Arduino Inclinometer using MPU6050

The MPU6050 is an IC 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope combined into one unit. It also houses a temperature sensor…

Interfacing Joystick with Arduino Interfacing Joystick with Arduino

The first thing that comes in our mind listening to the word Joystick is the game controller. Yes, it’s exactly the same and…

Arduino Light Sensor Circuit using LDR Arduino Light Sensor Circuit using LDR

We all want our home appliances to be controlled automatically based on some conditions and that's called Home automation.…