Arduino Sleep Modes and How to use them to Save the Power
Power consumption is a critical issue for a device running continuously for a long time without being turned off. So to… |
Controlling NEMA 17 Stepper Motor with Arduino and A4988 Stepper Driver Module
A stepper motor is a type of DC motor that works in discrete steps and used everywhere from a surveillance camera to… |
How to control a Solenoid Valve with Arduino
Solenoids are very commonly used actuators in many process automation systems. There are many types of solenoid, for… |
Control a NEMA 17 Stepper Motor with Arduino and DRV8825
A stepper motor is a type of DC motor that works in discrete steps and used everywhere from a surveillance camera to… |
Measure Sound/Noise Level in dB with Microphone and Arduino
Noise pollution has really started to gain importance due to high population density. A normal human ear could hear sound… |
Arduino Controlled Musical Fountain using Sound Sensor
There are several water fountains which unconditionally sprinkle water with some interesting lighting effects. So I wandered… |
Chirp announces first integration of data-over-sound for Arduino boards
Chirp and Arduino announced the first official integration of data-over-sound on Arduino’s range of boards. The… |
Interfacing a PCF8591 ADC/DAC Module with Arduino
Analog to digital conversion is a very important task in embedded electronics, as most of the sensors provide output as… |
Charlieplexing Arduino - Controlling 12 LEDs with 4 GPIO Pins
Charlieplexing is a technique of controlling many LEDs using a few I/O pins. Charlieplexing is same as multiplexing, but it… |
Wireless RF Communication using nRF24L01 Module
Designers use many wireless communication systems like Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0), Zigbee, ESP8266 Wi-Fi Modules, 433MHz RF… |