
Interfacing TM1637 4 Digit Seven Segment Display Module with Arduino Interfacing TM1637 4 Digit Seven Segment Display Module with Arduino

If you are thinking about building your next project around a 4-digit seven-segment display, you need at least 12…

Interfacing Addressable RGB LED with Arduino Interfacing WS2812B Neopixel LED Strip with Arduino

When you require a dynamic lighting solution, LED strips are a great choice. They may be…

Interfacing TSL25911 Sensor with Arduino Interfacing TSL25911 Ambient Light Sensor with Arduino

Detecting the amount of light in the ambiance is necessary for many areas of our everyday…

Interfacing MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix Display with Arduino Interfacing MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix Display with Arduino

When it comes to adding a display to your next project there are many options to choose from like OLED, 16x2 LCD, Seven…

Interfacing Dual Axis Joystick Module with Arduino Interfacing Dual Axis Joystick Module with Arduino

When thinking about the best way to control games, drones, robots, etc, the first control…

Interfacing RCWL 0516 Microwave Radar Sensor with Arduino Interfacing RCWL 0516 Microwave Radar Sensor with Arduino

Proximity sensing is a common application for intruder alarms, light switches, and other…

Digital Distance Measuring Wheel DIY Digital Distance Measuring Wheel using Rotary Encoder

Every engineer and hobbyist nowadays has a workbench for all of their tools and gadgets, and…

Arduino LoRa Communication with The Things Network Interfacing HPD13A LoRa Module with Arduino to Establish Communication with The Things Network

In one of our previous projects, we interfaced SX1278(Ra-02) based LoRa module with Arduino and established…

Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor Module Tutorial Interfacing SR04T/SR04M Waterproof UltraSonic Sensor with Arduino Uno

Adding cameras and vision algorithms to your projects and robots might sound cool but sometimes it becomes…

3D Printed Animatronic Eye with Arduino How to Build a 3D Printed Animatronic Eye with Arduino

In this project, we are going to build an animatronic eye with Arduino. I got the idea to create an animatronic eye…