A Perfect Camera Technology for Ultimate Privacy that Uses Thermal Imaging New Camera Technology Improves Privacy in Smart Devices using Thermal Imaging

Engineers at the University of Michigan have developed a camera technology called PrivacyLens, designed to enhance privacy by preventing the…

Object Detection using ESP32-CAM and Edge Impulse Object Detection using ESP32-CAM and Edge Impulse

In this project, we have used the popular ESP32-CAM module to build an Image recognition system that can identify…

Sipeed Maixduino Development Kit Getting Started with Sipeed Maixduino Development Kit

Nowadays there are a lot of IoT development boards available. But if you look at the AI IoT development board the…

MAX78000 Feather Development Board Getting Started with the MAX78000 Feather Development Board

When it comes to the development board there are a ton of choices to choose from, such as Arduino boards, ESP32…

Season 4 of its City Digital Video Series Centered on AI in Smart Cities DigiKey Debuts City Digital Season 4 Video Series Focused on Artificial Intelligence

THIEF RIVER FALLS, Minnesota, USA - DigiKey, a leading global commerce distributor offering the largest selection of…

Transferscope Raspberry Pi uses AI to create Images from Real-World Samples

Transferscope is a Raspberry Pi-powered handheld device that creates new renderings from real-world images with the aid…

Gen 3 Alpha AI Sets New Standard with Hyperrealistic Video Generation

Nowadays, AI is already revolutionizing technologies that seem outdated. A startup company, RunWay from New York, has…

PixelArt Robot The PixelArt Robot: LEGO Art Meets AI

YouTuber Creative Mindstorms created an AI LEGO PixelArt Robot, by merging AI-generated art with LEGO construction.…

NIPRGPT - ChatGPT Alternative US Air Force Develops NIPRGPT: A Cutting-Edge ChatGPT Alternative

The United States Air Force (USAF) and Space Force recently launched their Generative Artificial Intelligence tool,…

AI convert Real World Photos to Art Raspberry Pi uses Artificial Intelligence to Convert Real World Photos to Art

In a recent Reddit post, a user showcased a fascinating project using a Raspberry- Pi to convert Real-World Photos into…