Electronics and Semiconductor News

Find the latest electronics industry news covering new electronics components releases in various electronics domains such as embedded, power electronics, analog, digital, IoT and Automotive industries. 


ROHM has introduced the RPR-0720, a cutting-edge compact proximity sensor measuring just 2.…

After a long wait of over 4 years Raspberry Pi Foundation announced the new Raspberry Pi 5.…

With the step-function increase in data collected and transmitted from cloud-connected edge nodes, Improved Inter…

Intel is addressing the semiconductor workforce shortage by creating the industry’s first stackable, shareable and…

Digital Matter has launched a new cellular IoT asset tracker based on Nordic’s low power SiP…

There is now inclusion of VSAT Terminals and IoT devices under NATEM Policies and benefits

Automobile manufacturers who fail to meet the target could be fined around £15,000 per car.

Departing from conventional designs that employ motors and propellers above the water, this…

The rePalm project is created with an aim to port Palm’s classic Palm OS, which was used in…

Texas Instruments (TI) has unveiled its groundbreaking opto-emulator portfolio, a range of…

The US sanctions show how China is dependent on the USA and its allies in terms of technology, mostly semiconductors…

According to a state industries department official the investment will happen soon because Tata has shown interest in…