Electronics and Semiconductor News

Find the latest electronics industry news covering new electronics components releases in various electronics domains such as embedded, power electronics, analog, digital, IoT and Automotive industries. 


Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a device that uses multiple strings attached to the hand and fingers…

ON Semiconductor expanded its portfolio for industrial motor drive applications with the introduction of NXH25C120L2C2,…

Saelig has introduced the Aaronia AARTOS Drone Detection System that can sense airborne drone activity with a virtually…

To help users improve their mental health, researchers at Stockholm University have come up with clinical-grade neurofeedback (…

Espressif has launched ESP32-Korvo, an ESP32 and ESP-Skainet based AI development board for embedded IoT devices. The board is…

The ESP32-based M5Stack ATOM from Espressif is the smallest (24 x 24mm) development board available in the market, which is…

A team of researchers at the ‘Georgia Institute of Technology’ has come up with a non-invasive sensor-in-a-chip that…

ON Semiconductors has announced the availability of samples of their new QCS-AX2 chipset family that supports the 6GHz spectrum…

Digi-Key Electronics announced that it has expanded its product portfolio by signing a global distribution partnership…

MORNSUN has introduced a new generation of DC-DC converters, the fixed input R4 series with a new packaging technology, that…

Kiko is a high-precision measuring instrument and a family health indicator designed by Magpie Tech. It is a set of instruments…

Sensirion introduced SLF3S-0600F Liquid Flow Sensor, a new sensor variant that can measure even the very low flow rates up…