Industry News

From bulky vacuum tubes to compact high performance microprocessors the evolution of electronic components over the years has always been evident.  This section covers all the recent technological advancement in the electronics industry and the new-age products that have hit the electronics market recently.

Samsung Electronics, in a press conference at IFA, outlined its commitment to developing ground-breaking products and services…

Digi-Key Electronics, a global electronic components distributor, continues to strengthen their offering of Industrial Automation (IA) components…

STMicroelectronics is making its I-CUBE-LRWAN Expansion Package for the STM32 family of microcontrollers in…

Analog Devices collaborated with B-Secur to develop a complete biometric authentication solution to be used in automotive…

New Network Control Technology that can securely operate IoT devices installed on-site

Sensors, IoT devices of the…

“There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want”, charging a battery make me feels like the same.

Losing an arm doesn’t have to mean losing all sense of touch, thanks to prosthetic arms that stimulate nerves with mild…

Researchers and Scientists from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and ITMO University presents a way to increase the…

Implantable Sensors are smaller than a grain of rice and made up of hydrogel scaffold that’s flexible as a contact lens.

Soft robots that can sense touch, pressure, movement, and temperature

A soft robot inspired by nature…

Electronic skin display reads electrocardiogram in real time or sends to the cloud.

Researchers of…

OTON Glass is a smart glass developed for people who have difficulty reading letters. It’s a pair of glass, used to…