Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.
Be it the long stretched highways or your doctors front door, we have sign boards placed everywhere to provide us information.…
In this tutorial, we will learn about Real Time Clock (RTC) and its interfacing with the ESP32 and OLED display.
…You have seen RFID Door Lock Mechanism in some Hotels and other places, where you don’t need a key to unlock the room…
Temperature and Humidity are the most common parameters that are being monitored in any environment. There are tons of sensors…
“Be a bright spark, lights off till it’s dark!” sometimes we forget to turn off the lights and waste electricity and you must…
In this tutorial let us learn How to interface HC-05 Bluetooth Module with AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. We will establish…
Sometimes when we reach home in the night it’s hard to unlock the door lock, as we are not able to find the keyhole because of…
In previous Getting start with NodeMCU tutorial, we saw What is NodeMCU and how we can program it using Arduino IDE. As you…
PIC Microcontrollers are a powerful platform provided by microchip for embedded projects; its versatile nature has enabled it…
In this tutorial we will see how to interface NodeMCU with 16x2 LCD without using I2C communication. Here we will interface…
Hello everyone, Today in this project, we will interface RF Receiver and Transmitter module with PIC Microcontroller and…
Controlling LEDs with voice command seems to be a difficult task, but it’s easy and you can quickly build it. We just need an…