Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.
Development in Arduino and Arduino IDE has always been easy and fun with their simple user interface. The Arduino IDE is open-…
The situation is simple – you have a low voltage supply rail, say 3.3V, and you want to power something that needs 5V. This is…
OTA Programming (Over the Air) is a process which allows devices to upgrade their firmware or software…
The Wireless Electricity Transfer concept is not new. It was first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in the year 1890. Nikola Tesla…
Most of electronics deals with Tracing Curves, be it the characteristic transfer curve for a feedback loop, a resistor’s…
Biometrics has been used as a reliable authentication system for a long time now. Today there exist complex biometric systems…
Amplifiers are integral part of Electronics which are used to amplify low amplitude signals. Amplifier plays a very important…
The multitasking has led the computers to a revolution where one or more programs can run simultaneously which increases…
We have seen numerous examples of Blinking an LED using different Microcontrollers and different programming languages. Today,…
At the outset driving a motor might seems like an easy task – just hook the motor up to the appropriate voltage rail and it…
Raspberry Pi is one of the most famous low cost computer and powerful tool for prototyping different types of IoT and embedded…