Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.
In many IoT applications, there are situations where the sensor data needs to monitor continuously, and the simplest way…
In this tutorial, we are going to build an easy and cheap Pedometer using ATtiny85 IC, MPU6050 Accelerometer & Gyroscope,…
The ATtiny family is a series of one of the smallest microcontrollers in the AVR market. These microcontrollers are capable of…
An electronic scoreboard is one of the most important gadgets anybody can have during any sports tournament. Old manual…
The earth’s Atmospheric CO2 level is increasing day by day. The global average atmospheric carbon dioxide in 2019 was 409.8…
While working with electronics, we often find ourselves in situations where it becomes necessary to step up the output voltage…
Over the course of a few years, RGB LEDs are getting popular day by day due to its beautiful color, brightness, and enticing…
DIY Music players are fun to build, and we previously built a few music players using Arduino and a dedicated MP3…
In this article, we are building an AC Fan Regulator Circuit, which is able to control the speed of the fan by restricting the…
Relays are common in many switching circuits where controlling (turning ON or OFF) an AC load is required. But due to…
The increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air has become a serious problem now. According to the NOAA report, the…
Security is at most concern for anyone nowadays, whether it's data security or security of their own home. With the advancement…