Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.
When thinking about the best way to control games, drones, robots, etc, the first control…
Proximity sensing is a common application for intruder alarms, light switches, and other…
Every engineer and hobbyist nowadays has a workbench for all of their tools and gadgets, and…
In the last part, Designing Smartwatch using ESP32, we have looked at how to interface the…
In the last part, DIY Smartwatch using ESP32, we have looked at how to make some…
Electrical appliances are all around us, starting from the indispensable charger of your smartphone to heavier…
Styrofoam and polystyrene have been one of the most efficient methods of model making amongst the maker community,…
Wi-fi these days is an incredibly common technology and chances are, you’re reading this article accessing a Wi-fi…
People may access messages, alerts, health information, and other advanced information easily and quickly using…
In one of our previous projects, we interfaced SX1278(Ra-02) based LoRa module with Arduino and established…
Adding cameras and vision algorithms to your projects and robots might sound cool but sometimes it becomes…
When we are talking about LoRa, it's been more than 10 years since its first official launch and since that day LoRa is…