Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.
Servo motors are very useful in electronics and embedded systems. You can find the use of Servo motor everywhere around you,…
Keypads are widely used input devices being used in various electronics and embedded projects. They are used to take inputs in…
In this tutorial we are going to discuss and design a circuit for measuring distance. This circuit is developed by interfacing…
In this project we are going to design a 25V range digital voltmeter by using ATMEGA32A microcontroller. In ATMEGA, we are…
We all are familiar with dice and often played LUDO or SANP SIDI (Snake & Ladders) game by using dice. Dice is a squire…
We know in offices, shopping malls and in many other places where only the person with authorization card is allowed to enter…
If you are looking for a beginners guide on “How to start with 8051 Microcontroller”, here in this article I will show you…
Ultrasonic sensors are great tools to measure distance and detect objects without any actual contact with the physical…
In this project we are going to design a circuit for measuring temperature. This circuit is developed using “LM35”, a linear…
In this tutorial we are going to design a 0-99 counter by interfacing two seven segment displays to ATMEGA32A…
We know in offices, shopping malls and in many other places where only the person with authorization card is allowed to enter…
While LPG is an essential need of every household, its leakage could lead to a disaster. To alert on LPG leakage and prevent…