PCB Projects

PCB designing is a vital step in every product development cycle. The below list provides you with a collection of DIY PCB Projects which can be used to develop PCB designing skills. Each project consists of a useful practical circuit that is demonstrated with a neatly fabricated PCB. The design details including the Gerber file is available for download to provide a complete do-it-yourself experience.

VU Meter or Volume Meter is very popular and fun project in Electronics. We can consider the Volume Meter as an …

Here's something interesting for the inner romantics and DIY circuit board assemblers among us. Yes, I'm talking to you,…

In this project we are going to build a cell phone controlled robot using 8051 microcontroller. Cell phone controlled…

An edge avoider robot is quite similar to my previous project "Line Follower Robot". This 8051 microcontroller based robot…

Line follower Robot is a machine which follows a line, it may be a black line or a white line. Basically two types of line…