Good day Sir,
I stuck in this setps, basically my knowledge about arduino language is still new. I manage to copy paste and run for a single sensor example pH sesor.
However I still confuse, how do i code for 2 sensor , example Ph and turbidy sensor? how about 4 sensor?
Do just copy all the sensor code in one coding and run it?
it would be much appriciated if you can point me to the right direction or example coding using 2 or more sensor.
Thanks and have a great day.
In reply to Is there any apps or website by funkoku
you can use tinkarcad for this. you can also use proteus software.
You can copy all the sensor code into one sketch. Make sure that the variables are separetely declared.
No dont do like this ,
Every arduino caode has three importamt part,
1- defining varibales - Here you should define the all the variables which are going to be use in all the sensors.
2- void setup () - Here you should put setup code which will run only once, do it for all the sensors in single void setup ()
3- void loop () - Put your main code here which you want to run repeatedly, do it for all senors in single void loop ()
Joined July 07, 2021 1Wednesday at 04:52 PM
Is there any apps or website for arduino simulation ? currently my equipmnet is limited.