Arduino Nano Function Generator

Submitted by Jo on

So I saw the Circuit Digest tutorial on making a function generator with the Arduino Nano, but I am trying to modify it where it has an A and B pulse (out of phase, both square wave). I have some ideas but am not sure if it would work so I would appreciate any suggestions.

Aswinth Raj

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000

Tuesday at 12:29 AM

What is your idea? Only if you explain it people here will be able to validate it.

If you are trying to just make square wave at two different pins of Arduino with different frequency and duty cycle then yes it is possible with Arduino. But there are limitation with how much frequency you can achive 

Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

It is possible to produce two square wave with out of phase parameter. How much frequency you want?



In reply to by Sourav Gupta

  Joined December 06, 2019      2

Friday at 09:40 PM

Up to 26k Hz, and 90 degrees out of phase.

Debasis Parida

  Joined August 22, 2019      125

Thursday at 12:29 PM

Hi Jo, Yes you can absolutely get two square wave outputs from arduino.Simply program a specific pin to a get a square wave A at a specific frequency.You can do it by using tone() function in arduino.After that, just invert the signal using a transistor logic gate circuit and get the other inverter signal B.



  Joined December 06, 2019      2

Friday at 09:40 PM

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am wanting to use it as an encoder. For frequency, I want it to be adjustable up to 26k Hz.


Muhammad Umar

  Joined April 09, 2020      55

Thursday at 02:40 PM

For creating two different waveform outputs, you can generate with Arduino. It can be done using a very common library named as tone (), used for generating waveforms by just programming Arduino specific pin to generate waveform. And for generating the other waveform of inverted version of first, you can implement inverter using 7404 NOT gate IC or make your own inverter using TTL transistor logic. I've used this technique in one of my hobby projects and got technical support from SSLA team during this project.