I have a garden motor whcih sprinkels water in all direction using my water hose. I do not want to run wires all into my garden to make it work so I tough of using a Solar panel.
To reduce cost I am tryign to bypass the battery here, So what solar panel ratig should I choose to to run my motor ?
Hi Jayant, thanks for the quick reply.
My bad I did not explain the question propelry on the first hand.
The motor that I am talking about is not an AC motor it is a 24V DC motor. The water from the sump is pumped by another motor in my basement and it pusehes the water thorugh the hose. The hose is then mounted on a this 24V motor in my garden. This motor just directes the water form hase to 180* so water is sprinkled evenly.
So my solar pannel has to run only this 24V motor and it is completly fine if I would be able to run it only during day time. Also I run it only once in a day for approx 5 min maximum. Please tell me what ratign pannel I should consder buying for this.
In reply to 24V DC Motor on Solar pannel by Casy_Lucified
Okay not I get the picture. But still I cannnot help you with the rating unless you tell me the current ratign of the Motor.
Try getting the datsheet of the motor or reading the printed label on the motor. It should mention the Power or current ratign of the motor, also try checking if a the peak current value is also menioned on the label.
Once you get the current rating it is very easy just calculate the power ratgin value by
Also consider losses so get the pannel rated for 125% of the actual ratign for a saftey margin
In reply to Current rating should be known by Jayant
The motor is very old and I do not remeber the make or model any longer. Also since it is covered with mud and dirt I can no longer read anything that is written on the motor.
Just about when I lost hope I relaised that the adapter that I have been using to power the motor earlier has all the rating written. It is rated for 24V and 5A, So I belive that a current of 5A is enough to run the motor. So by calculation
P = 24*5 = 120
After the saftey margin and round off I arrived at a value of 150 Watts. So does that mean I should buy a 150W solar pannel ?
In reply to Current rating from adapter by Casy_Lucified
Great going casy, yes a 150W pannel should work for you. I am not sure if your place provides enough light but you can sure give it a shot. All the best
In reply to Yes 150W pannel should work by Jayant
I am going to the hardware store and try gettign this to run today, hope it works.
Thanks for all the help
Joined May 19, 2015 213Tuesday at 03:45 PM
Hi casy you are missing few points here
1. A garden motor is a power hungry device, say if it is designed for 220V AC with a current ratign of 5A, it is almost very expensive to build solar set-up to run this motor alone and defanilty not an alternative to running wires
2. Even if you wanna do it you cannot ignore the battries here. The reason is solar pannel do not output a constant current it varies based on the intensity of the light. So if you want to turn on the motor during mornig or evenign times the panel will not be able to support it. Also motors consume a peak current initally which will nearly twice the normal current so you pannel should also be big enough source that current