555 timer IC
Building a LED Dimmer Circuit using 555 Timer IC and BC557 Transistor
LEDs are commonly used in electronic circuits as they consume less power, are easy to use, and have a long lifespan. In… |
Building a Simple Current Detector Circuit with 555 Timer and few Passive Components
Working with electricity can be a daunting and life-threatening task if you are a beginner in the electronic/electrical… |
A Simple DC-DC Boost Converter using 555 Timer IC
In this project we build a boost converter circuit using a 555 timer IC. Boost converter is a non-isolated type of switch… |
A Simple 555 Timer based Buck Regulator for LED Dimmers and DC Motor Speed Control
In this article, we will make a buck converter using 555 timer IC and a IRFZ44N N channel MOSFET and use it as LED dimmer… |
Building a Wailing Siren Circuit using a 555 Timer IC
If you are an electronics hobbyist then you must have heard about the 555 timer IC and its 3 popular circuits viz. astable… |
Build a 555 Timer IC based Simple Push-on Push-off Circuit
If you are a hobbyist or have keen interest in electronics circuits, you must be familiar with 555 timer IC and its three… |
Automatic Light Fence Circuit with Alarm
Light fence circuit is used to detect the presence of any human or object in a particular area. The detecting range of Light… |
Capacitor ESR Meter using Oscilloscope
Capacitors seem all fine till you get to the point where a power supply fails or refuses to perform optimally. And if the… |
8051 Microcontroller based Frequency Counter
Frequency is defined as number of cycles per second. It can also be defined as reciprocal of total time ‘T’. In this… |
Thyristor Switching using Snubber Circuit
Snubbers are the energy absorbing circuits used to smooth the voltage spikes caused due to the circuit’s inductance. Sometimes… |