555 timer IC

LED ON and OFF Circuit using 555 Timer IC Building a LED Dimmer Circuit using 555 Timer IC and BC557 Transistor

LEDs are commonly used in electronic circuits as they consume less power, are easy to use, and have a long lifespan. In…

AC Lines Detector using 555 Timer IC Building a Simple Current Detector Circuit with 555 Timer and few Passive Components

Working with electricity can be a daunting and life-threatening task if you are a beginner in the electronic/electrical…

555 Timer based DC DC Boost Converter A Simple DC-DC Boost Converter using 555 Timer IC

In this project we build a boost converter circuit using a 555 timer IC. Boost converter is a non-isolated type of switch…

555 Timer based Buck Regulator A Simple 555 Timer based Buck Regulator for LED Dimmers and DC Motor Speed Control

In this article, we will make a buck converter using 555 timer IC and a IRFZ44N N channel MOSFET and use it as LED dimmer…

Wailing Siren Circuit using a 555 Timer IC Building a Wailing Siren Circuit using a 555 Timer IC

If you are an electronics hobbyist then you must have heard about the 555 timer IC and its 3 popular circuits viz. astable…

555-Timer Push on Push off Circuit Build a 555 Timer IC based Simple Push-on Push-off Circuit

If you are a hobbyist or have keen interest in electronics circuits, you must be familiar with 555 timer IC and its three…

Automatic Light Fence Circuit with Alarm Automatic Light Fence Circuit with Alarm

Light fence circuit is used to detect the presence of any human or object in a particular area. The detecting range of Light…

Capacitor ESR Meter using 555 Timer Capacitor ESR Meter using Oscilloscope

Capacitors seem all fine till you get to the point where a power supply fails or refuses to perform optimally. And if the…

8051 Microcontroller based Frequency Counter 8051 Microcontroller based Frequency Counter

Frequency is defined as number of cycles per second. It can also be defined as reciprocal of total time ‘T’.  In this…

Thyristor Switching using Snubber Circuit Thyristor Switching using Snubber Circuit

Snubbers are the energy absorbing circuits used to smooth the voltage spikes caused due to the circuit’s inductance. Sometimes…