I want to design pure sine wave inverter using Arduino I found the code of pure sine wave inverter using pic microcontroller but I need code with arduino. Can you help me write code with arduino.
I want to design pure sine wave inverter using Arduino I found no code of pure sine wave inverter using pic microcontroller but I need code with arduino. Can you help me write code with arduino.I have arduino witch you showed in circuit
Arduino: Arduino Uno R3 is used to generate control signals for MOSFET driver using SPWM ( sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique)
MOSFT driver IR2112 : MOSFT driver IR2112 is used to driver four MOSFET connected in H bridge configuration.
Aswinth Raj
Joined August 16, 2016 1000Tuesday at 12:29 AM
Hi Tanveerahmad,
Give us the PIC code and your hardware, we can help you with the Arduino coding.