ThingSpeak não mostra dado (IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using ESP8266 and Arduino)

Submitted by lena on

Eu estou fazendo o projeto IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using ESP8266 and Arduino (, o código foi compilado sem erros, mas o ThingSpeak não mostra os  dados dos sensores. O que eu posso ter feito de errado? Por favor ajudem!



  Joined May 24, 2019      4

Friday at 12:03 AM


I'm doing the project IoT Based Patient Monitoring System project using ESP8266 and Arduino ( ), the code was compiled without errors, but ThingSpeak does not display the sensor data. What could I have done wrong? Please help!



In reply to by lena

  Joined August 16, 2018      42

Thursday at 11:31 AM

Just because the code compiles without errors it does not mean its gonna work. It might have some logical mistakes which have to check for.

If you are followng the tutorial closely you should have changed the default accesstoken value in the code with your own access token value from your thingspeak account did you do that? Also what is your serial monitor telling you?

Is the ESP8266 able to connect to wifi with the credentials you have provided? 



  Joined May 24, 2019      4

Friday at 12:03 AM

The esp connect to wifi, my serial monitor shows this:
