acs712_30A was not declared in this scope error

Submitted by veeresh on

igot error for the  project " IoT Based Electricity Energy Meter using ESP12 and Arduino" i am doing this project but i got the program executed  for node mcu but i get the error 'acs712_30A was not declared in this scope' for the arduino part . please help me where i went wrong.

Debasis Parida

  Joined August 22, 2019      125

Thursday at 12:29 PM

Hi, it seems the ACS712 sensor library was not installed correctly, so pls check that and if still problem persists, then paste the complete error you are getting.

Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

Is #include "ACS712.h" declared?


Debashis Das

  Joined December 02, 2019      117

Monday at 10:02 PM

The problems with the header file. if you have included the library with the Add .ZIP Library.. method, then you have to do #include <ACS712.h>  not #include "ACS712.h".


If you do #include "ACS712.h" the preprocessor is searching the library in the project directory, not in the predetermined directory.




Iradukunda Jea…

  Joined January 19, 2021      1

Tuesday at 03:24 PM

I was add acs712 library and I also use header#include but I still have error of ACS712_30A was not declared in this scope
Please help