I have a cctv system running in my garden shed using around 11W, running from a small UPS connected to mains power.
On the roof I have a 19V 40W solar panel connected to a charge controller charging 12V battery. That is hardly being used so I want to use that to run the CCTV during the day and switch over to mains when the output on the solar panel drops to below threshold.
What I was thinking is to have ESP32 connected to a relay and the UPS power supply connected to NO, mains connected to COM and solar inverter output to NC.
Would that work?
Or is there a better way of doing it?
Using an ESP32 with a relay is doable but not ideal for critical systems like CCTV. Relays can introduce a brief power loss during switching, potentially restarting your system. Instead, consider a dual-input UPS or a solar inverter with automatic changeover functionality. These devices manage transitions smoothly without service disruption.
Aswinth Raj
Joined August 16, 2016 1000Tuesday at 12:29 AM
Were you able to solve this ? I am getting same problem