Question about relays

Submitted by kangyunmei on

I have a project I am working on that I am using a relay, but I'm not sure if its the best way.

I have a 5vdc point that goes to 0vdc at some point in time. When its at 0v, I have to ground a trigger wire. I found a small relay in my spare parts that is working but I'm not sure if I'm using the relay properly because its kept energized most of the time. Is keeping a relay energized a bad idea, can it burn out or cause problems? 

The relay in question is hjr1-2c l-05v



  Joined May 19, 2015      213

Tuesday at 03:45 PM

I have a 5vdc point that goes to 0vdc at some point in time. When its at 0v, I have to ground a trigger wire.

I dont get the point here. Why would connect a 5V line to 0V (ground). It is directly shorting your circuit and will cause failure of the circuit.


I'm using the relay properly because its kept energized most of the time

There is not problem in keeping the relay energised, if you are okay with the power that is consumed by the relay to stay triggered. An alternate way would be to use a relay with NC and NO pin, connect the wire to NC instead of NO and the relay will have the line connected by default and when triggered will disconnect the connection. I am not sure if you are using the right way because you have not provided any circuits.…

This link should help you if you are new to relays