Hello everyone,
I'm working on a project to communicate between two boards OTA (over-the-air) but within close proximity. I could consider LED/laser based communication, but that is too directional. WiFi or BT are wireless, but using them increases the BoM cost. I considered NFC/RFID, but all my research and understanding indicates (please do correct me if I'm wrong here) that I can't do much with RFID tag because the tag itself is hardly capable of processing other than fetching and storing data.
I then thought if it would be possible to make two MFRC522 reader/writers talk to each other, similar to serial comms where Rx of one side goes to Tx of other side and vice versa, but my search did not get me anything worthwhile. I do know that NFC is used to share data between two NFC enabled phones (like contact cards and other small data), so I'd assume it should be doable, but I don't have any pointers to start working.
Any kind soul out there might have any info that could be useful for me with my project?
As rightly said by Mr. Sourav, RF and WiFi communication is more suitable for your application. You can easily do it using ESP-01, NodeMCU modules or RF modules such as NRF24L01 etc. These are also economical than RFID.
Lots of valuable information shared by you guys, thankyou and much appreciated. I received similar feedback on other fora as well. I will get back to the drawing board and consider the WiFi/BT/Raf options. Thanks again for your inputs.
Sourav Gupta
Joined February 12, 2018 696Monday at 02:11 PM
I highly doubt it. Why you can not use cheap RF communication boards for both way communication.
As far as WiFi is concern, ESP8266-01 can do it easily. You should try it. It is realtively cheaper than the RFID module.