LED lights in an electric fireplace

Hi guys. Have never posted but watch curiously from time to time. 

Whats got me stuck is 2 LED light strips in this Chinese made "fake" fireplace are both powered from the same source. However, one has stopped working. BUT its not the LED's itself but the power. I can switch power between the strips and will work, but I cant get both to work simultaneously. 

Logically its got me beat. Connections have been checked and no other problems....

Any ideas?

Stuart & Victoria

Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

Can you post the image of the construction?


victoria Mcilhone

  Joined February 23, 2021      2

Tuesday at 12:26 PM

Thanks Sourav,

2 photos show 1 LED strip removed but in testing position. Red and yellow cable powers both sides but only 1 works at a time. Have switched around LED's and both work but never at once. Was working fine until a month ago




victoria Mcilhone

  Joined February 23, 2021      2

Tuesday at 12:26 PM

Actually site wont let me attach image. Any tips on how to do that amyone? Thanks

Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

did you connected 2 LED strips in series? make sure the polarity is correct. You can try connecting the same in parallel.


Leonard Jeffrey

  Joined October 22, 2021      7

Friday at 08:53 PM

All I can think of is that the power supply is slowly dying and not able to supply the current as it once did when new.

Sourav Gupta

In reply to by Leonard Jeffrey

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

There are no compoennts that could cause such issues irrespective of capacitors.