I'm here because I don't know where else to go. I started a project to convert the cart I use to move my music equipment over to a powered one. I got the bright idea I could use a wheelchair base. Long story short I have hit a brick wall and unless I can figure out how to bypass some of the safety features on the wheelchair I will wind up having a very expensive boat anchor. I NEED your assistance. I have video as well as links to detailed information as to what has been done on another forum. https://electricbike.com/forum/forum/main-forum/general-discussions/91257-need-advice-trying-to-modify-electric-cart/page2. I hope this is ok. I'm just trying to get some much needed assistance. There is a link to detailed schematics. The wheelchair is not operational due to it believing that the seat is not vertical or the floor pedal is raised. I need some way to bypass those switches and I don't know how. Your response is greatly appreciated.
Aswinth Raj
Joined August 16, 2016 1000Tuesday at 12:29 AM
Using a wheelchair base is not a bright idea, you could have easy purchased a complete EV kit and kept going. Anyways I belive that you no longer need the vertical seat check and floor pedal feedback so you can give a dummy feeback to these sensors.
To do this you have to check how it is working in the actual wheel chair. Use a multimeter to check what voltage (or signal) is being sent to the motor control when the seat is vertical and the floor pedal is not raised. Most times it will be like a switch but its hard to ay without taking a look. Once you know what signal is being sent you can mimic the same on your cart also. This will fake the control to work