well i have this problem in displaying different numbers in the 7 seg dis when are multiplexed with assembly langauge....i'm new to this plz help
here's my code
a equ 0x0e
b equ 0x0e
org 0x00
goto start
;org 0x04
;goto int
start bcf status,6
bsf status,5
clrf TRISD
movlw 0x06
movwf TRISC
bsf Option_reg,6
;movlw 0x90
;movwf INTCON
bcf status,5
clrf a
clrf b
goto main
main movlw 0xc0
movwf PORTD
bsf PORTA,2
call delay
bcf PORTA,2
movlw 0xf9
movwf PORTD
bsf PORTA,3
call delay
bcf porta,3
delay movlw 0xc8
movwf a
movlw 0x72
movwf b
T decfsz a,1
goto T
V decfsz b,1
goto V
Joined August 14, 2018 44Tuesday at 03:25 PM
Why do you want do use assembly still? if it is for learning purpose you can try simplier programs.
Any ways if you are still on to it. Then first you have to understand how 7-seg works. I cannot follow your code after this