if (P_S0_pos == S0_pos) //If 1st and 2nd value are same
Servo_0.write(S0_pos); //Control the servo
if (C_S0_pos != S0_pos) //If the POT has been turned
saved_data[array_index] = S0_pos + 0; //Save the new position to the array. Zero is added for zeroth motor (for understading purpose)
array_index++; //Increase the array index
C_S0_pos = S0_pos; //Saved the previous value to check if the POT has been turned
I assume is doubt is with the above snippet of code in the project Record and Play Arduino ARM
We are saving the values of pot in a array called saved_data during record mode. But we should push a value into this array only if the pot value has changed. Else we will save the same in the array again and again.
So we check if the POT value is different from the previous value and only if it is different the new value is pushed into the array. The previous value is saved in the variable C_S0_pos and the new value will be in S0_pos
Aswinth Raj
Joined August 16, 2016 1000Tuesday at 12:29 AM
I assume is doubt is with the above snippet of code in the project Record and Play Arduino ARM
We are saving the values of pot in a array called saved_data during record mode. But we should push a value into this array only if the pot value has changed. Else we will save the same in the array again and again.
So we check if the POT value is different from the previous value and only if it is different the new value is pushed into the array. The previous value is saved in the variable C_S0_pos and the new value will be in S0_pos