how to write a code for displaying 'A' alphabet on led 8*8 matrix

Submitted by srija on

how to write a code for displaying 'A' alphabet on led 8*8 matrix

Aswinth Raj

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000

Tuesday at 12:29 AM


I am not sure what microcontroller your are using if you are using Arduino then there are libraries readily avalable for that. However the concept is the same.

The 8*8 LED matrix has 8 rows and 8 coloumns to form the alphabet A you have to check which LED has to be turned on and then you should turn on those LEDs by specifying the row and column number of the LED.

You should read through the below tutorial to understand completly, the 8*8 LED matrix normally uses a controller IC to reduce the usage of number of I/O pins on the microcotroller side.…

Once you undestand the concept you can not only display alphabets but can do any symbols like show in the tutorial…