automatic fire detection and alarm system using gprs techonolgy

how can i draw the circuit and program using avr microcontroller to make the automatic fire detection and alarm using gsm module 



  Joined May 19, 2015      213

Tuesday at 03:45 PM

Hi, from you question I assume that you are a beginner.

So it is better to use arduino to get started. Basically for your project you need to detect fire using some sensor like IR or thermostat. You can also try combining it with a smoke sensor for better performance. However you can use the below link to learn how to use a flame sensor with Arduino…

Then you have to interface GSM module with Arduino to send a message to user if the fire is detect. You can use the GSM/GPRS SIM900 module to send SMS or call the user to alert him.…


Noth the links teach you how to use the Arduino UNO board as such, once you understand the concept you can use the ATmega 328 chip alone and program it using Arduino IDE