Pls tell me the IC no. of commonly available PIC having ADC which is 16 bits wide or above 16 bits (20 bits or 24 bits ?).
For the UART tutorial, I have maxim232 IC & my computer has a COM port. Can I connect to the comport TX RX instead of RS to USB converter?
If yes, will the Hyper terminal help me for the communication? Is there any thing else that should be taken care of?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Aswinth,
I am new to Microcontrollers. As part of my studies, I tried to connect a LM 35 temp transducer, its working. its resolution is +-.5 degree C. if ADC of higher bit width is available I thought I can increse its resolution to +-.1 degree C with out using an amp. this was the reason for that question & the calculation that u gave (76 microvolt per count) didnt strike me. Thank u very much. I will try with Maxim 232 for the UART tutorial.
Thank u very much.
Hi Aswinth,
I am new to Microcontrollers. As part of my studies, I tried to connect a LM 35 temp transducer, its working. its resolution is +-.5 degree C. if ADC of higher bit width is available I thought I can increse its resolution to +-.1 degree C with out using an amp. this was the reason for that question & the calculation that u gave (76 microvolt per count) didnt strike me. Thank u very much. I will try with Maxim 232 for the UART tutorial.
Thank u very much.
Aswinth Raj
Joined August 16, 2016 1000Tuesday at 12:29 AM
The microcontroller USART works with TTL logiv and you computer can understand Rs232 or TTL logic, so you can use an FTDI module or an max232 module to communicate with your PC through USART.
The later method is explained in this tutorial https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/uart-communication-u…
20 or 24 bit ADC serioulsy? What applications are trying to fit in these. 12-bit is the maximum ADC resolution from PIC normally although there some dedocated ones with 16-bit ADC but unless you are working with micor volts it wont be needed.
Think about it a 16-bit ADC at 5V means each count is 76uV. What would you supposedly do with such resolution?