smartphone LCD to USB type C

hello all, thjis is my first time am posting to this forum and i dont have any electronic background and that is why am posting here. I really want to get information if there is any possibility of connecting smartphone LCD display to to an external display using the USB-C . After doing a small research, i realised that the LCDs in most possible times use the FCC cable. DO i really require the use of the LCD controller board for this to work? If this is possible can it be simplified such that it can be used with the display?

Thanks for any contribution.


Sekemiat ke

  Joined January 28, 2022      8

Friday at 08:43 AM

hello guys. am still waiting for advice over this post.



  Joined September 24, 2020      1

Thursday at 12:36 AM

Hi.....from what i understand, cellphone and tablet lcd screens are so diverse that they are incredibly difficult to  adapt for other uses. I have tried several and gave up unfortunately. Maybe others on here have had better luck?