i have used the L293D motor driver for the robot connections and used an 7.4V battery. the problem is , when the fire is sensed by the sensors the servo gets turn on ,but the water pump is not getting on. i had did all the steps as follow.
Fire fighting is an important job but it is very dangerous occupation. Due to that, Robots are designed to find a fire, before it rages out of control. It could be used to work with fire fighters to reduce the risk of injury to victims. This paper presents the Fire Fighting Robot competition that purposely to simulate the real-world operation of an autonomous robot to rescue 10 victims in a house within three minutes. The robot development is consisting of three elements which is the hardware, electronic, and programming. The robot has three DC motor, two for driving system and another single DC motor for ball suction subsystem and the fire blowing subsystem.
Hi Nitesh, which source you are following to make your project? please share the circuit diagram so that we can able to solve your issue.Also specify the rating of servo you are using.
A large number of fire accidents occur in world, be it natural or man-made. There are many possibilities a fire can start in an industry or in any industry like cotton mills, fuel storage, etc. In worst case this can cause huge financial loss, environmental damage, and also there is always the risk of life. Fire fighters have to divide their resources between rescue and extinguishing fire. To counter this, we need a system that can be employed to fight alongside the fire fighters making it easy to manage the resources. The goal here is to build a Fire Fighting Robot using embedded system. It is designed to navigate autonomously and find and extinguish fire before it rages out of control. This project will help generate interest in the field of robotics while working towards a practical and obtainable solution to save lives and minimize the risk of property damage.
Joined August 16, 2018 42Thursday at 11:31 AM
Hi Nitesh,
What servo motors are you using and why do you need a L293D module to drive a servo motor?
Also how have you connected the water pump? Is it also through L293D? Then check if the pump is getting the required voltage when the digital pin on arduino is made high.
I am not sure which project you are refering to, because this
https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/arduino-fire-fighting-robot-code project here does not use a servo motor