I am using sim900a GSM MODEM and PIC 16F877A in XC8 at 20MHZ external.
I receiving the content in the following function from ,
char _SIM900_getch() { if(OERR) // check for Error { CREN = 0; //If error -> Reset CREN = 1; //If error -> Reset } while(!RCIF); // hold the program till RX buffer is free return RCREG; //receive the value and send it to main function }
All the command are working correctly..But now expecting to extract 2nd line only (ie, sms content) of the reply of the command "AT+CMGR=1", and which is as reply,
+CMGR: "REC UNREAD" ,"+919844444444","10/10/14,14:29:33+04" xxx123 (SMS CONTENT HERE IN THIS 2ND LINE) Ok
My question is how do i jump to 2nd line and extract content of only SMS, to get compare with the function like //
for my further action.
Thanks in advance.
In reply to Look for "/n" newline using for loop by Jayant
Tnx for your reply..
I am trying to get call when "AT" command responded with "OK" but the code below not entering into "placing call".
I do not understand what i am getting wrong....
char gsm_response[20]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void _SIM900_print(unsigned const char *ptr) { while (*ptr != 0) { _SIM900_putch(*ptr++); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //**Function to send one byte of data to UART**// void _SIM900_putch(char bt) { while(!TXIF); // hold the program till TX buffer is free TXREG = bt; //Load the transmitter buffer with the received value } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //**Function to get one byte of date from UART**// char _SIM900_getch() { if(OERR) // check for Error { CREN = 0; //If error -> Reset CREN = 1; //If error -> Reset } while(!RCIF); // hold the program till RX buffer is free return RCREG; //receive the value and send it to main function } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void gsm_read_line(char *buffer) { unsigned char rec_data; // Read the data until Line Feed character is received. do { rec_data = _SIM900_getch(); *buffer++ = rec_data; } while (rec_data != '\0'); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void main(void) { //I/O Declarations// TRISD = 0x00; //LCD pins on port D as output Lcd_Start(); //Initialize LCD Initialize_SIM900();//lets get our Serial ready for action Lcd_Set_Cursor(1,1); Lcd_Print_String("WELCOME"); /*Check if the SIM900 communication is successful*/ _SIM900_print("AT\r\n"); __delay_ms(1500); // Read the response. gsm_read_line(gsm_response); // We should receive "OK" from the GSM modem. // If we don't, display "Error". if (memcmp("OK", gsm_response, 2) != 0) { Lcd_Clear(); Lcd_Set_Cursor(1,1); Lcd_Print_String("'AT' Error!!!"); while(1); } else if (memcmp("OK", gsm_response, 2)==0) // checking whether received string is OK and if OK then dial to ph no. { _SIM900_print("ATD0123456789;\r\n"); //Here we are placing a call to number 93643XXXXX __delay_ms(1500); Lcd_Set_Cursor(2,1); Lcd_Print_String("Placing Call...."); __delay_ms(1500); } while(1); }//main
Will you please point out my mistake please...
Joined May 19, 2015 213Tuesday at 03:45 PM
Since the content of the message willalways be in the 2nd line. You can simply use a for loop to read all the data from the Serial buffer and look for "/n" (ACSII value 13) when you receive this it means the message has reached 2nd line.
From there you can store whatever your read as a string and then use string compare just like you have done.
Hope this helps!!