I am developing an arduino project with LCD module, RFID tags and reader, Rover motor cars. I'm using ARDUINO UNO board but I could not able to connect the pins appropriately due to shortage of pins and for different modules same pins are used. How can I solve this problem?
Aswinth Raj
Joined August 16, 2016 1000Tuesday at 12:29 AM
Hi Karthick,
If the pins you are running on shortage are just normal I/O pins or Analog pins then you can simply use a Multiplexer.
You have to select a proper MUX based on your requirement, if they are just normal digital high or low digital MUX will work, but if you are looking for analog inputs you must use a analog MUX..
1.If yo have your analog pins free (A0-A7) free on your Arduino then you can also use them as Digital pins.
2. Uno has only one set of Rx/Tx pins, if you want more you can try the software serial librarey.
Hope this helps!!