I am a novice with electronic circuits, but attempting to expand my knowledge. I am trying to convert 14VAC to 12VDC with about a 15A load on a riding lawn mower for LED lights. I installed a 200V 60A Bridge Rectifer (NTE53016) and my output voltage is only 4VDC at full rpm on the stator. I also installed a 4700uf capacitor across DC + and -. Am I correct in assuming my bridge rectifer is too large for my project? Would a GBU1510 be a better choice to achieve my 12VDC output? Kind Regards!
The input AC spec is required for answering your question.
Also, the bridge rectifier need to have a heat sink. What kind of heat sink you are using for the bridge rectifier?
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Joined August 22, 2019 125Thursday at 12:29 PM
Hi Paul, which Transformer rating you are using to get 14 VAC? It will be better if you can share the complete application circuit connections.