I have built a 2WD car using arduino Uno and Hc-05 Bluetooth and also used L298N motor drive module because I wanted to connect the car with smartphone by using Bluetooth in order to control the car from the smartphone! I uploaded the code in the arduino and the connections are Ok. But when i connected the phone with the Arduino Bluetooth I couldn’t control the car from the phone (the car is not moving). Can anyone know where is the problem ??? is it from the Code? I tried so many different codes but there’s no sense! Please help!
Joined August 16, 2018 42Thursday at 11:31 AM
Hi Alibak,
When you are building a project the major skill is in being able to debug it and make it work.
No one could help you here! unless you define your probelm. The best thing about Arduino is that it is very easy to debug using serial monitor. Add serial print lines in your code to check if the value from bluetooth module is being received properly. Then try controling the motors with hardcoded values instead of getting values from Bluetooth this will help us check if the driver part is working properly. Break your project into small segments and find where the pblm is then post it here and people will be able to help.
Again not enough information to help you.
There is no point in trying different code when you do not understand what is in the code.