
Submitted by Pete on

My project displays axis data from the MPU 6050 to the serial monitor but the app doesn't see the HC-05 Bluetooth module I'm using instead of an HC-06. The phone sees it and I tried renaming it on the phone to HC-06.

Can anybody help me?

Aswinth Raj

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000

Tuesday at 12:29 AM

Hi Pete,


The android application is programed only to connect with devices named as "HC-05". If you are having a HC-06 then there are two thing that you can do to make it work.

Renaming Bluetooth module:

Yes, renaming the Bluetooth module will work but you cant do it form your phone. The HC-06 has to operatign modes, you have to get into the command mode and use AT commands to rename the Bluetooth module.

Changing the processing sketch:

 Other option would be to change the code, find the name "HC-05" in the code and simply replace it with HC-06. This will make the application to connect to any device that has the name HC-06. But you should set up the Processing android mode in your computer to be able to compile and upload the program.

If you are in a hurry the easiest way it to get a HC-05 itself, I think you can easily fin one in your hardware store. 



  Joined September 30, 2018      2

Sunday at 10:07 PM

Thanks for your help, much appreciated, I ordered an HC-05 which arrived the other day. It pairs with my Samsung S8 but the app doesn't display data. I have had flu so maybe my brain is  missing something silly.



In reply to by Pete

  Joined May 19, 2015      213

Tuesday at 03:45 PM

Before working with the actual application make sure your hardware is working properly you can do this by either using a bluetoth terminal application on android to check if you are geting anything from the hardware via BT. Or you can also upload a simple led control program to check if the hardware and connections are fine 



  Joined September 30, 2018      2

Sunday at 10:07 PM

OK, I now have an HC-05 and an HC-06.

I pair the HC-05 and see it on my S8 Bluetooth as "DSD TECH HC-05", not simply "HC-05".

I guess that might be why the inclinometer program will not see it.

I have the circuit running and the Arduino program on my laptop showing pitch, roll, yaw, temp info scrolling on the ftdi terminal window.

I found a bluetooth terminal program and run it on the S8 paired with the HC-05. Set to ASCII it looks like gibberish but HEX seems to produce data that changes if I move the board various ways. Numbers and letters scroll up.

I'm not sure if I should see the data the same as the laptop over the FTDI terminal window.

I'm stumbling along the best I can which means I'm learning, so that's good.

I'm supposing I'm going to have to figure put how to get the name changed to HC-05 with AT command mode.



In reply to by Pete

  Joined May 19, 2015      213

Tuesday at 03:45 PM

I pair the HC-05 and see it on my S8 Bluetooth as "DSD TECH HC-05", not simply "HC-05".

Thats off, normally the chip from manufacturers will read "HC-05".

I'm supposing I'm going to have to figure put how to get the name changed to HC-05 with AT command mode.

Exactly you have to change the name using AT mode of edit the android application sketch using processing. The former one should be easier.