I want to make a Arduino Wattmeter which also displays current and voltage, I watched this video: https://youtu.be/R3kSXhsh8O0 But I want to use it for calibrating my drone's power module, so I need that Wattmeter to take atleast 15-20A safety. Is it possible? And I am completely new to Arduino, just learning the basics. So sorry and thanks. Something similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Wattmeter-Amp-Hour-Balance-Electric/dp/B07PNNRGZV
It is difficult or sometimes even impossible to measure power and energy with ordinary multimeters. To carry out such a measurement reliable and accurate, a special wattmeter is required. Because these meters are very expensive, a cheaper solution is presented here as a DIY wattmeter based on a Arduino Nano board.
This wattmeter measures the real power, apparent power, reactive power, phase and energy. Beside that, the wattmeter measures also the mean, RMS, standard deviation, maximum, minimum and frequency of both the voltage and current. And it can measure the area of the voltage and current and keeps track of the measure time. Depending on the used display two or four parameter can be read simultaneous.
marry roser
It is difficult or sometimes even impossible to measure power and energy with ordinary multimeters. To carry out such a measurement reliable and accurate, a special wattmeter is required. Because these meters are very expensive, a cheaper solution is presented here as a DIY wattmeter based on a Arduino Nano board.
This wattmeter measures the real power, apparent power, reactive power, phase and energy. Beside that, the wattmeter measures also the mean, RMS, standard deviation, maximum, minimum and frequency of both the voltage and current. And it can measure the area of the voltage and current and keeps track of the measure time. Depending on the used display two or four parameter can be read simultaneous.
As an ideally instrument should do; it makes no distinction between AC or DC. It all boils down by choosing the right parameter which all are mathematically justified calculated. The bandwidth is approximately 1.8 kHz for the voltage, current, real and apparent power. The bandwidth for reactive power and phase is limited to 50~60 Hz mains frequencies.
Hi Ragav, you can use a module like ACS756 which has a 50AMPS current measuring capabilities. if somehow you found out about the ACS712 modules do not use those, they cannot handle that much current.
Sourav Gupta
Joined February 12, 2018 696Monday at 02:11 PM
The circuit is used to measure low amount of current. In your case, you need High current.
One way is to use a very low value current sense resistor typically in mOhms rating or to use a dedicated current sensor.
My best choice will be dedicated current sensor to sesnse the current.