Did anyone built the Electronic load showed in https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/adustable-electronic…?
There is inconsistency between the pictture/video and the article/schematic ... I'm not seen in the picture and in the video the R12 and R13
Also the gebber file dont have it
Also in the video the author says 555 connect direct to IRF, while showing the diagram that shows the resistor there.
Any ideia? Any help is welcome.
In reply to Hiii by Sourav Gupta
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate.
If possible would be good to fix the gebber file, so the PCB will have space for the resistores and will be consistent with the rest.
To put the resistores on the actual PCB will be a little chanlenger.
The board gerber is perfect... You just add the components it will work. The gerber is provided after testing the circuit.
Sourav Gupta
Joined February 12, 2018 696Monday at 02:11 PM
During the test process the Both Resistors are removed and connected directly. However, you can use the resistors, it will not be a problem.